When We Have Nothing To Lose - Henri Nouwen

Once we have found the center of our life in our own heart and have accepted our aloneness not as a fate but as a vocation, we are able to offer freedom to others. Once we have given up our desire to be fully fulfilled, we can offer emptiness to others. Once we have become poor, we can be a good host.

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COVID-19 and Canceling Services

Many churches around the world have limited gatherings at their parishes to the core liturgical services, meaning that Sunday School, Youth Meetings, Bible Studies, sporting events and other activities are cancelled. Understandably there is a sense of worry that children, teenagers and youth will miss out on all these services for at least the coming weeks. However, this is also a great opportunity to take stock of what we see as the core or central activities of the church.

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Great Lent

The Church’s imitation of Christ’s works is a necessary course of life for us, in which we may discover our salvation, strength, security and victory. It was not for Himself that Christ was baptised, nor was not for Himself that He was crucified, and, consequently, not for Himself that He fasted forty days.

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A Servant's Prayer

Consecrate me upon Golgotha, from the height of Your Cross, as You consecrated Your Beloved Disciple John. Remit my life, as You remitted John to Your Mother. Grant that I may take her to my own home, to be with me and within me, for she is the living evidence of true consecration and of Your Presence. Grant me to bear Your Presence to others.

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Feast of Epiphany

The Feast of Immersion (Baptism), namely Epiphany, or the Divine Manifestation, is one among the major Lordly Feasts. It ranks third in importance after Easter and Christmas. Almost to the closing of the fourth century, most churches held one celebration for the Birth of Christ and His Baptism and called it Epiphany: considering that both have one end in view, i.e., the manifestation of Christ's divinity to the world.

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Michael Salib
The Manger

He found man reduced to the level of the beasts: therefore is He placed like fodder in a manger, that we, having left off our bestial life, might mount up to that degree of intelligence which befits man’s nature; and whereas we were brutish in soul, by now approaching the manger, even His own table, we find no longer fodder, but the bread from heaven, which is the Body of Life.

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