Many churches around the world have limited gatherings at their parishes to the core liturgical services, meaning that Sunday School, Youth Meetings, Bible Studies, sporting events and other activities are cancelled. Understandably there is a sense of worry that children, teenagers and youth will miss out on all these services for at least the coming weeks. However, this is also a great opportunity to take stock of what we see as the core or central activities of the church.
Read MoreHe found man reduced to the level of the beasts: therefore is He placed like fodder in a manger, that we, having left off our bestial life, might mount up to that degree of intelligence which befits man’s nature; and whereas we were brutish in soul, by now approaching the manger, even His own table, we find no longer fodder, but the bread from heaven, which is the Body of Life.
Read MoreYou are He, O Lord, with whom we have laid our life. O Lord, who fills all, guard us in every place where we shall go. And the compunction that has become ours through prayer, and the contentment of heart of upright living, guard them for us, unstolen and without regret.
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