Hold Him in your arms like Mary His mother
A homily on Meditation on the Economy of the Lord
by St John of Dalyatha
Hold Him in your arms like Mary his mother. Enter with the Magi and offer your gifts. Proclaim His birth with the shepherds. Proclaim His praise with the angels. Carry Him in your arms like Simeon the Elder. Take Him with Joseph down to Egypt. When He goes to play with little children steal up to Him and kiss Him. Inhale the sweet savor of His body, the body that gives life to every body. Follow the early years of His childhood in all its stages, for this infuses His love into your soul. Cleave to Him: your mortal body will be scented with the spice of life in His immortal body. Sit with Him in the temple and listen to the words coming from His mouth while the astonished teachers listen. When He asks, when He answers, listen and marvel at His wisdom. Stand there at the Jordan and greet Him with John. Wonder at His humility when you see Him bow His head to John to be baptised.
Go out with Him to the desert and ascend the mount. Sit there at His feet in silence with the wild beasts that sought the company of their Lord. Stand up there with Him to learn how to fight the good fight against your enemies. Stand at the well with the Samaritan woman to learn worship in spirit and truth. Roll the stone from the tomb of Lazarus to know the resurrection from the dead. Stand with the multitude, take your share of the five loaves and know the blessings of prayer. Go, wake Him up who is asleep at the stern of your boat when the waves beat into it. Weep with Mary, wash His feet with your tears to hear His words of comfort. Lay your head on His breast with John, hear His heart throbbing with love to the world. Take for yourself a morsel of the bread He blessed during supper to be one with His body and confirmed in Him forever.
Rise, do not keep your feet away that He may wash them from the impurity of sin. Go out with Him to the Mount of Olives. Learn from Him how to bend your knees and pray until the sweat pours down. Rise, meet your cursers and crucifiers, surrender your hands to the bonds, do not keep your face away from the slapping and spitting. Strip your back to be lashed. Rise, my friend, do not fall to the ground, bear your cross, for it is time for departure. Stretch your arms with Him and do not keep your feet from the nails. Taste with Him the bitterness of gall. Rise early while it is still dark. Go to His tomb to see the glorious resurrection. Sit in the upper room and wait for His coming while the doors are closed. Open your ears to hear the words of peace from His mouth. Make haste and go to a lonely place. Bow your head to receive the last blessing before He ascends.