On Prayer

  1. “We must also know, beloved brethren, that every secret converse, every good care o f the intellect directed toward God and every meditation upon spir­ itual things is delimited by prayer, is called by the name o f prayer, and under its name is comprehended; whether you speak o f various readings, or the cries of a mouth glorifying God, or sorrowing reflection on the Lord, or making bows with the body, or psalmody in verses, or all the other things from which the teaching of genuine prayer ensues. From genuine prayer the love of God is born, for love comes of prayer. “

    St Isaac the Syrian

  2. “Prayer is a refuge for those who are shaken, an anchor for those tossed by waves, a walking stick for the infirm, a treasure house for the poor, a stronghold for the rich, a destroyer of sicknesses, a preserver of health. Prayer keeps our virtues intact and quickly removes all evil.”

    Saint John Chrysostom

  3. “Though the Christian may Pray alone, he has the Choir of the Saints standing with him.”

    Saint Clement of Alexandria

  4. “It’s not an abundance of words that supplicate God, but a pure Soul which manifests good deeds.”

    Saint John Chrysostom

  5. “Virtues are formed by Prayer. Prayer preserves temperance. Prayer suppresses anger. Prayer prevents emotions of pride and envy. Prayer draws into the Soul the Holy Spirit, and raises man to Heaven.”

    Saint Ephrem the Syrian

  6. “Before all else, let us list sincere thanksgiving first on the scroll of our Prayer. On the second line, we should put confession and heartfelt contrition of Soul. Then let us present our petition to the King of All. This is the best way of Prayer, as it was shown to one of the brethren by an Angel of the Lord.”

    Saint John Climacus

  7. “If God is slow in answering your request, or if you ask but do not promptly receive anything, do not be upset, for you are not wiser than God.”

    Saint Isaac the Syria

  8. “There is nothing more powerful than a person Praying well.”

    Saint John Chrysostom

  9. “Prayer is a marvellous embrace of the Lord.”

    Saint John Chrysostom

  10. “We Pray not to inform God or to instruct Him but to become intimate with Him.”

    Saint John Chrysostom

  11. “To describe it with the boldest expression, Prayer is a conversation with God. Even if we speak with a low voice, even if we whisper without opening the lips, even if we call to Him only from the depths of our heart, our unspoken word always reaches God and God always hears. Sometimes, however, besides speaking, we lift our head and lift our arms to Heaven. In this way, we are underlining the desire that the spirit has for the Spiritual world. We are striving with the word to raise the body above the Earth. We are giving wings to the Soul for it to reach the good things on high.”

    Saint Clement of Alexandria

  12. “Love me, God, though I am not worthy of Thy love.”

    Saint John of Dalyatha

  13. “If the face of a loved one clearly and completely changes us, and makes us cheerful, joyful and carefree, what will the Face of the Lord not do when He makes His Presence felt invisibly in a pure Soul?”

    Saint John Climacus

  14. “Everywhere, wherever you find yourself, you can set up an altar to God in your mind by means of Prayer.”

    Saint John Chrysostom

  15. “This is how you Pray continually – not by offering Prayer in words, but by joining yourself to God through your whole way of life, so that your life becomes one continuous and uninterrupted Prayer.”

    Saint Basil the Great

  16. “Whether you are in Church, or in your house, or in the country; whether you are guarding sheep, or constructing buildings, or present at drinking parties, do not stop Praying. When you are able, bend your knees, when you cannot, make intercession in your mind, ‘at evening and at morning and at midday’. If Prayer preceded your work and if, when you rise from your bed, your first movements are accompanied by Prayer, sin can find no entrance to attack your Soul.”

    Saint Ephrem the Syrian

  17. “When God wants to have mercy on someone, He inspires someone else to Pray for him, and He helps in this Prayer.”

    Saint Silouan the Athonite

  18. “Do not refuse a request to Pray for the Soul of another, even when you yourself lack the Gift of Prayer. For often the very faith of the person making the request will evoke the saving contrition of the one who is to offer the Prayer.”

    Saint John Climacus

  19. “One must force himself to Prayer when he has not Spiritual Prayer; and thus God, beholding him thus striving and compelling himself by force, in spite of an unwilling heart, gives him the true Prayer of the Spirit.”

    Saint Macarius the Great

  20. “I consider no other labour as difficult as Prayer. When we are ready to Pray, our spiritual enemies interfere. They understand it is only by making it difficult for us to Pray that they can harm us. Other things will meet with success if we keep at it, but labouring at Prayer is a war that will continue until we die.”

    Saint Agathon of Egypt

  21. There is one kind of reading that teaches you how to behave. There is another that fires the soul with the zeal for virtue. Be diligent in meditating on the holy scriptures and the lives o f the saints, for constant reflection upon them fosters thoughts of fervor, makes prayer easy, makes tribulations endurable.

    St Isaac the Syrian

  22. “Without the perusal of holy scriptures, the mind can never approach God.”

    St Isaac the Syrian

Michael Salib