The Jesus Prayer

My Lord Jesus Christ…

  1.  Rejoice always,  pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1 Thess 5:16-18

  2. “There are no bad days & good days. There are days with prayer and days without prayer. Those without prayer and empty and void.” St Pope Kyrillos VI

  3. “Blessed is the person who will be found tending the blessed name of our Lord Jesus Christ without ceasing and with contrition of heart. Of all the ascetic practices, none is better than this blessed nourishment if you ruminate on it at all times like the sheep: the sheep regurgitates and savors the sweet taste of its cud until it enters the interior of its heart and brings sweetness and good fatness to its intestines and to all its innards. Do you not see how beautiful its cheeks are, filled with the sweet cud that it ruminates in its mouth? May our Lord Jesus Christ also bless us with his sweet and fat name!”- St Macarius the Great

  4. “The name of Jesus, say the holy Fathers, is a flask of myrrh. You open it, you tilt it and the myrrh pours out, filling the room with fragrance. You cry out, “Lord Jesus Christ,” and the fragrance of the Holy Spirit exudes from all the senses and from every cell of your body; you receive the “dowry of the Divine Spirit”.- Elder Emilianos

  5. “This is how you pray continually- not by offering prayer in words, but by joining yourself to God through your whole way of life, so that your life becomes one continuous and uninterrupted prayer.” - St Basil the Great

  6. “He is more than the giver of what we and others need. He is also the gift. He is both giver and gift, containing in Himself all good things. If I hunger he is my food. If am cold he is my warmth. If I am ill he is my health. If I am persecuted he is my deliverance. If I am impure he becomes my purity. He “is made unto us…righteousness, and sanctification and redemption.” (I Cor. 1:30) This is quite another thing than if he had merely given them to us. Now we may find in his name all that he is. Therefore the Name of Jesus, in so far as it links us with Jesus Himself, is already a mystery of salvation.”- Fr Let Gillet

tuesday psali

+Come to us today, O Christ our Master, shine upon us, with Your exalted divinity.
+Send to us, this great grace, of Your Holy Spirit, the Paraclete.

+So that I may speak, with great honor, about Your holy, and blessed name.
+ This is He who was glorified, by the mouths of, Your righteous saints, who lived upon the earth.

+By those wandering people, in the barren mountains, threatened by hunger and thirst, frost and cold.
+They were needy and suffering, and afflicted, according to, Paul the apostle.

+ But Your holy name, O my Lord Jesus, upheld and delivered them, in all their sufferings.
+ Your holy name, O my Lord Jesus, saved them from all, their afflictions.

+For them it was, a living food, which filled their souls, and their bodies too.
+For them it was, a fountain of living water, sweeter than honey, in their mouths.

+ When they call upon it, their hearts rejoiced, and their bodies, blossomed.
+ When they uttered it, their minds were enlightened, and their hearts ascended, to the heights.


Remembering Your holy name, brings joy to souls, O my Lord Jesus Christ, my good Savior.
Everyone blesses You, the heavenly and the earthly, O my Lord Jesus Christ, my good Savior.

+ For You alone are worthy, to be blessed, O my Lord Jesus Christ, my good Savior.
+ Truly You are worthy, of the glory and the honor, O my Lord Jesus Christ, my good Savior.

All the tribes of the earth, praise Your holy name, O my Lord Jesus Christ, my good Savior.
Six stone jars, You have changed into choice wine, O my Lord Jesus Christ, my good Savior.

+ Seven times everyday, I will praise Your holy name, O my Lord Jesus Christ, my good Savior.
+ With delight we praise You, all of us Your people, O my Lord Jesus Christ, my good Savior.

The beauty of Your holy name, is on the mouths of Your saints, O my Lord Jesus Christ, my good Savior.
From morning to evening every day, I will praise Your holy name, O my Lord Jesus Christ, my good Savior.

+ With every breath that I take, I will praise Your holy name, O my Lord Jesus Christ, my good Savior.
+ All the causes of sin, remove from our souls, O my Lord Jesus Christ, my good Savior.

All the thoughts of the enemy, may they be cast away from me, O my Lord Jesus Christ, my good Savior.
Every breath praises You, as said by the prophet, O my Lord Jesus Christ, my good Savior.

+ You are above all principalities, You are the King of kings, O my Lord Jesus Christ, my good Savior.
+ Yours is the glory with Your Father, and the Holy Spirit, O my Lord Jesus Christ, my good Savior.

Your name is blessed and sweet, in the mouths of Your saints, O my Lord Jesus Christ, my good Savior.
My mouth praises You, and my tongue glorifies You, O my Lord Jesus Christ, my good Savior.

+ Yes indeed we praise You, yes indeed we glorify You, O my Lord Jesus Christ, my good Savior.
+ We will never get weary, nor cease to praise You, O my Lord Jesus Christ, my good Savior.

All the praises of blessings, we send up unto You, O my Lord Jesus Christ, my good Savior.
Yours is the glory, the honor and thanksgiving, O my Lord Jesus Christ, my good Savior.

+ Holy O Lord and holy, You are holy indeed O my God, O my Lord Jesus Christ, my good Savior.
+ Every soul praises You, every knee bows to You, O my Lord Jesus Christ, my good Savior.

O name full of glory, O name full of blessings, O my Lord Jesus Christ, my good Savior.
Forever and ever, we will not cease to praise You, O my Lord Jesus Christ, my good Savior.

+ Yours is the blessings, the glory and the honor, O my Lord Jesus Christ, my good Savior.
+ With blessings we bless You, with glory we glorify You, O my Lord Jesus Christ, my good Savior.

As long as we live we will praise You, as long as we are here we will glorify You, O my Lord Jesus Christ, my good Savior.
The perfection of all blessings, is in Your holy name, O my Lord Jesus Christ, my good Savior.

+ Receive our prayers, we who are sinners, O my Lord Jesus Christ, my good Savior.
+ Grant us Your true peace, and forgive us our sins, O my Lord Jesus Christ, my good Savior.

Michael Salib